Apicoltura Cazzola

Miele Italiano

Sei qui: All products Honey Chestnut honey

Chestnut honey

Jar of 135g and 350g.
castagno - fiori
castagno - fiori

Description - Bitter taste. Very special, appreciated by those who prefer an unusual honey. 

Pairings - Odor astringent, tannic, bitter, however pleasant it pairs with cheese not too spicy and with sweet notes, Caciotta Puzzone of Moena, goats cheeses, If cheeses are very fresh honey flavor could prevail.   







Apicoltura Cazzola - Via Canaletto 15 - 40061 Altedo (BO) Italia - Tel. +39 051 0473468 - Fax +39 051 2862145 
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