Apicoltura Cazzola

Miele Italiano

Sei qui: All products Jams Bitter Orange jam

Bitter Orange jam

Jar of 200g.
arance amare - frutta
(no pectin, with only sugars from fruits)
in hexagonal jar 200g.
The extra jams must have a minimum sugar content of 45%. 
Unlike those made with cane sugar or sucrose, our extra jams contain only fruit sugars, even to 140g of fruit per 100g of product.
We do not use pectin, and the percentage of each specific fruit is very high*  
Thanks to a low temperature cooking, benefiting both the flavor and the color of the original fruit

Apicoltura Cazzola - Via Canaletto 15 - 40061 Altedo (BO) Italia - Tel. +39 051 0473468 - Fax +39 051 2862145 
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